श्रीमती नाथीबाई दामोदर ठाकरसी कला और श्रीमती चंपाबेन भोगिलाल वाणिज्य और विज्ञान महिला महाविद्यालय

श्रीमती नाथीबाई दामोदर ठाकरसी कला व श्रीमती चंपाबेन भोगिलाल वाणिज्य व विज्ञान महिला महाविद्यालय


SNDT College Mumbai

1931 - The S.N.D.T. College for women, Mumbai was started as a morning college on the Premises of the S.N.D.T. Kanyashala at Girgoan, Back Road with only 4 Student.

1935 - It was converted into a full- fledged day college and was shifted to Mhatre Building, Chowpatty.

1937 - It was shifted to its present site and was housed in a military Bungalow.

1949 - It was shifted to the south Wing Building of the S.N.D.T. Women’s University known as “Gordhandas Khetsey Bldg.” The S.N.D.T. Women’s University got its charter and Since then the strength of the college began to increase.

1951 - Post-graduate classes were started in English, Gujarati, Marathi and Sanskrit as Principal and Subsidiary subjects.

1952 - B.Ed and Nursing Courses were started. Departments of Drawing and Music were Started.

1957 - post-graduate classes were started in hindi and sociology as entire subjects.

1959 - The Home Science course was started as a department of this college with the Introduction of the Three Years Degree Course, the preparatory (Pre- University) Course was started (This degree Course replaced the old course of three years duration.)

1960 - The B.Ed. Department was converted into a full-fledged college namely the RV.D.T. College of Education for Women.

1962 - The Home science Department was converted into a full-fledge college of home Science known as “Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of home Science.” B.A. with Economics principal was started.

1963 - Ph.D. Research Department in Gujarati were started.

1965 - The Nursing Department was converted into a full-fledged college known as “Leelabai Thackersey College of Nursing”. B.A. with Psychology principal was started. An Instrumental music course was introduced in the pre-University Class.

1966 - The Ph.D. Research Department in sociology was started. The students’ council was Started.

1968 - B.A. with Geography principal and M.A. Economics principal were started. The Faculty advisory scheme for pre-University student was introduced.

1969 - The English conversation class for certificate course was started.

1970 - Ph.D. Research Departments in Hindi, English and Sanskrit were started.

1972 - A Certificate Course in light Vocal music was introduced.

1974 - Two prizes were instituted in the names of principal Shri. D. S. Phatak and Vice- Principal Dr. U. M. Maniar on their retirement after long service in by “The Shri. D. S. Phatak, Dr. U. M. Maniar Felicitation Committee” of the college.

1974 - History & politics were introduce at B.A. as principal subjects. The post Graduate & Research Deportment was separated from the undergraduate college.

1976 - Higher Secondary F.Y.J.C. & S.Y.J.C (Arts & Commerce )classes (Junior College) were started PH.D. facility for Fine Art i.e. Music, Art and painting were provided.

1977 - B.Corn. Part-I classes started.

1978 - P.G. Classes in History started B.Com part-Il started.

1980 - Politics started at post graduate level. M. Phil in English and Marathi started.

1980-81 - Celebration of the Golden jubilee Year. Introduction of English Medium for Arts Stream.

1981 - Post Graduate Diploma in Travel Tourism started. Psychology started at Post Graduate level.

1983 - Name of the college changed to S.N.D.T College of Arts & Smt. Champaben Bhogilal College of commerce & Economics for Women.

1984 - Post-Graduate classes in Commerce started.

1985 - Restrured courses in Travel and Tourism ware introduced at the under-graduate Level.

1987 - Restructured course in child Guidance was introduced at the under-graduate level.

1990-91 - Celebration of the Diamond jubilee year. Introduction of multi disciplinary post-Graduate Diploma Course in child Guidance.

1994-95 - The following Vocational Course were introduced at the undergraduate level Arts and Commerce faculties.

1) Travel& Tourism

2) Computer Application

3) Principles and Practice of Insurance.

1994-95 - SNDT Fitness Center has started with the Grant received by District sports & Gymkhana Fund.

2005-06 - 4 years (8 semester) Bachelor of Visual Art (Art & painting) started.

2005-06 - Bachelor of Science -information Technology.

- “Certificate Course in Tally 7.2 Accounting Technology.

- “Para professional Training Course on Education for Visually Impaired Children”

- Certificate Courses in “Dramatics” were started.

2007-08 - Certificate Courses in Light Music.

2006-08 - The NCC Unit of the college received the Vice Chancellor’s Banner.

2006-08 - The college has won the Runner up Championship Trophy at the grand finale of SNDT Yuva Mahotsav.

2008-09 - Our students won the prize at inter-university Skit Competition

2011-13 - A series of seminars were organized to facilitate the understanding of various connotations of the concept of social harmony. A State Level Seminar on Socio-Cultural and Economic Development of Tribes in India and a National Level Seminar on Human Resource Function in the Era of Globalization, Human Rights-Women and Marginalized and Understanding Oral Literature in India were organized with the same purpose.

2012-13 - The college has won the Overall Championship Trophy at the grand finale of SNDT Yuva Mahotsav

2012-13 - UGC Sponsored Competitive Examination Centre was established

2012-13 - The NSS Unit of our college that could make the record number of 300 students- volunteers.

2012-13 - short-term courses like Soft-skill Training Programme and Remedial Teaching Courses were conducted under the aegis of UGC-Merged Scheme XIth Plan

2012-13 - The college had introduced a full-fledged degree course in Management studies. The (B.M.S) course.

2013-14 - The college not only won the Over all Championship Trophy at the Regional Yuva Mahotsav but emerged triumphant in the Grand Finale.

2013-14 - The college had organised an inter-collegiate paper reading competition Manthan, in January 2014,

2013-15 - Ms. Namrata Ganneri and Dr. Prajakta Bhadgoankar have been awarded UGC Minor Research projects:- Ms. Namrata Gannneri : Transforming Indigeneous Sport : A Study Of Physical Culture Clubs In Western India. (2012-2014). Dr. Prajakta Bhadgoankar :To Develop Psychological Inventory on Forgiveness (2013-15). Dr Putul Sathe :-“Reading Diaspora Text of Indo Canadian Women Writers sponsored by UGC Area Study Centre for Canadian Studies, SNDTWU, Churchgate.